Due to COVID-19, we will be continuing to meet remotely.
引き続き、新型コロナウィルスの影響を鑑み、 お打ち合わせはリモートでの対応とさせていただきますのでご了承下さい。
Quick Start & Success in Japan
The Japanese market is very attractive.
However, there are many restrictions and culture differences, so you will have many challenges to start up.
- There are lots of Japanese paper works in Japanese to register your entity.
- You need a Japanese residence to rent an office.
- Even a Mega Bank will not provide English version of a Trial Balance.
- Very difficult to hire "Bilingual Expert".
- The local Tax/Legal agents have lots of customers so they can't normally support timely communication between your headquarters and the local employees.
KT Japan will be able to support these above gaps for your success in Japan.
We can also introduce "Japanese Special Experiences" such as;
- Japanese Circuit Experience with our "Porsche 911"
- Bilingual Entertainment place you can dinner/drink with the customers.
Our Services
Connect Regal/Accounting Tax Agents
There are lots of Tax, Legal agents in Tokyo, though they must have already had over capacity. So it won't be good response.
KT Japan will arrange and support the communication gap between them.
Consulting Service
You will be required the experienced bilingual expert to success your business quickly. However, it should be very difficult to find such a person who has excellent results in your industry and business level of English skill. It also important you need to monitor if they are doing right way in daily base operation.
KT Japan has "Over 20 years Experiences in IT industry" as sales, business development fields for foreign capital companies". So we know how to Short Cut to start up in Japan.
Super Car Sharing service
We have some Super Car like Porsche, Mercedes, AMG as our company car and provide the experience as Rental Car Shearing through "Anyca" web site; https://anyca.net/maker/maker_porsche/model_carrera_gt
You can also experience in Fuji Speedway circuit with us. As you know, Fuji Speedway is the world level of circuit with 4.5km long and has the longest home straight (1.5km). They often provide the events you can join to run on FSW if you have an international driver license.
We can arrange the registration and support you to be able to run on FSW by the super car!
Ready to Contact us?
We are happy to support your success in Japan.
Please look into OUR SERVICES carefully, we are not Tax agent, but we can support to connect to start with.
Our main target customer is Small and Quick Start in especially in IT related industry.